Aquara signs a collaboration agreement with the Augusta Association of Mentally Ill of Calatayud
The agreement was born with the aim of bringing the water cycle management and related administrative tasks to the associates, thus boosting their autonomy when carrying out daily procedures

Aquara and the Augusta Association of Mentally Ill (ASAEME) of Calatayud are officially collaborating entities. This is established by the collaboration agreement that the president of ASAEME, Belén Ibarra, and the manager of Aquara, José Ignacio Heredero, have recently signed in the capital of Bilbao.
One of the main objectives of the agreement is to promote the independence of the associates when making the most frequent administrative procedures related to the municipal water service of the city. To achieve this purpose, Aquara will carry out a series of informative activities at the association's facilities where information about the different concepts that make up the water bill will be offered, how a water service discharge is made or what is the procedure to change the holder of a water contract, among others. In addition, the company will announce among the members of ASAEME the different phases of the integral water cycle and advice to make intelligent consumption of tap water, more ecological, educational and environmental and socially sustainable.
Although the agreement has been made effective during this month of July, Aquara and ASAEME have maintained an excellent collaborative relationship for months. In fact, some of the associates participated in the tastings that the municipal water service organized at the Nobles Seminar to celebrate World Water Day and another group of ASAEME knew firsthand the process of purification by visiting the Water Treatment Station Potable (ETAP) of Calatayud during the day of guided tours organized by Aquara during World Environment Day.