Aquara launches the video competition ‘Aquara, caring for water. Join us.’
Create a video on the importance and necessity of caring for water every day.
With the video competition ‘Aquara, caring for water. Joins us’, Aquara aims to raise awareness among school children in particular and the public in general about the care and good use of water as a rare and valuable natural resource which we need to preserve. Our future depends on protecting it.
Sustainable use of water will guarantee its existence for future generations, minimising the environmental impact. Along with sustainable development, another of Aquara’s major goals is social responsibility. Thus we are involved in the education community, to ensure it is an active part of this awareness-raising action on the care of water, representing yet another way of contributing to the dissemination of water culture.
The video competition is aimed at pupils in the 5th and 6th years of primary school. The idea of the competition is for school children, with their teachers’ help, to film 1-minute videos showing how to contribute to caring for water through smart consumption, i.e. efficient, ecological and sustainable consumption.
The videos should be sent by email to the address from 2 April to 11 May.
Aquara will post the videos on the ‘Aquara, caring for water. Join us’ YouTube channel and the one with the most likes by 25 May will be the winner. The makers of the two videos with the most likes will receive prizes of an iPad and an e-book, respectively.
The prizes will be awarded on 5 June, coinciding with World Environment Day, in the town of the first prize winner’s school.
Help us care for water, join us in caring for water.
Watch this short video we have prepared on the competition and download the terms and conditions by clicking on ‘Download PDF’.
Join in!