Aquara joins the Network of Companies Committed to Diversity (Red + D)
The fact that 52.6% of the company's leadership positions are held by women or having 4.7% of people with disabilities on the staff have endorsed the company's commitment to diversity

Aquara is already a member of the Network of Companies Committed to Diversity (Red + D). This is how the Red Acoge, promoter of this program, and Aquara have materialized today in an online event in which the public commitment of Aquara in promoting measures to improve the management of diversity, equality of treatment and inclusion.
The director of Red Acoge, Lucía Maquieira, the head of Diversity and Company Management, María Alonso, and the Diversity and Company Management technique, Begoña González, participated in this event. Aquara has been represented by its manager, José Ignacio Heredero, its Director of Equity, Laura de Vega and its Head of Sustainable Development, Pilar Capablo.
"Aquara has in its DNA to enhance the human side in the company, not only within its social policies but also in its own management objectives," said José Ignacio Heredero, who has shown the diversity of the workforce made up of people from 8 nationalities and 3 different religions, in addition to having 52.6% of women in leadership positions.
Along these lines, Pilar Capablo has explained Aquara's lines of work, governed by the principle of non-discrimination based on ethnic, religious, sexual orientation or any other cause, and which establish gender equality as a priority in terms of equality of opportunities and development of professional careers and disability and support for job placement. Regarding the first of the areas, the company prepared its first equality plan in 2012, a document that covers 100% of employees and that includes the commitment to equal treatment and opportunities between men and women and in all areas: selection, training, salary policy, employment and health, conciliation, etc. Since 2019, with its renewed Equality Committee, Aquara is already working on its second Equality Plan. Added to this document is the protocol for the prevention of moral harassment based on sex or sexual harassment that the company has in force. Other initiatives in the field of equality are the reconciliation measures implemented, such as "continuous working hours or the possibility of taking advantage of a sliding workday" or participation in the Ministry's campaigns against gender violence, said Pilar Capablo.
It is a series of projects that are integrated into the company's strategic equity plan in which the promotion of the culture of equity plays a key role. In fact, the inclusive communication course of the business group to which Aquara belongs has been recently awarded, as highlighted by Capablo.
In terms of disability and support for job placement, Aquara has been working for years through collaboration agreements with entities such as the Fundación Disminuidos Físicos de Aragón (DFA) or the Federico Ozanam Foundation. In fact, 4.7% of its workforce has a disability, thus exceeding the minimum required by legal regulations.
Both the director of Red Acoge, Lucía Maquieira, and the head of Diversity and Company Management, María Alonso, have recognized Aquara's trajectory in diversity management and have encouraged those responsible to share experiences in the network environment .
The Network of Companies Committed to Diversity (Red + D) is a project that arises within the framework of the Red Acoge Sensitize Program, as a meeting space that allows companies and institutions committed to diversity to share ideas, experiences and initiatives in this area.