City Council and Aquara present their social deal for solidarity, employment and the green reconstruction of Calatayud

Calatayud 's Social Deal

The mayor of Calatayud, José Manuel Aranda, and the general director of Aquara, Jesús García del Valle, have presented the Social Pact for Calatayud. A framework program that has the vocation of promoting actions aimed at supporting economic and social recovery, based on practices aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Aranda and García del Valle have been supported by representatives of the social entities that participate in the social pact. Cáritas, Red Cross, IES Leonardo de Chabacier, IES Emilio Jimeno, Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce and INAEM will participate from the beginning in a dialogue table, which will plan the actions that the social pact will promote in Calatayud starting next year.

Calatayud's social pact is one of the first actions that starts up the new concession of the Municipal Water Service, recently awarded to the Aquara company. The mayor of Calatayud has thanked Aquara and all the entities that join this program for their commitment, “for making a common front that helps us detect the needs of the population, especially the most vulnerable sectors, and offer solutions in this matter. of employment, solidarity and sustainability with the ultimate aim of improving the quality of life of the people of Bilbao ”.

From the company, its general director, Jesús García del Valle, has highlighted Aquara's commitment to “implement a water management model that contributes to the development of other sectors and provides sustainable, resilient and inclusive solutions that have direct effects on citizens. ”.

The social pact is based on the axes of solidarity, in order not to leave anyone behind; quality employment at the local level, investing in training, talent development and combating job insecurity; and green reconstruction, to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable economic model through the attraction of investments and digitization and innovation, aimed at increasing the efficiency, control and security of service infrastructures.

Specifically, it is intended to apply measures in Calatayud such as the creation of a social fund that guarantees access to water and sanitation for vulnerable families, the development of social programs through alliances with third sector entities, supporting economic activities that promote the local productive fabric, digitize comprehensive water management or apply the circular economy to make Calatayud a resilient city against the effects of climate change, among many other measures.