CEIP San Jorge de Zaragoza wins the Aquara video contest ‘Get wet for the SDGs’
The school of the Aragonese capital obtains the award for the category ‘video most voted in Aragon’ thanks to its proposal ‘And you, do you get wet by the SDGs?

The second edition of the Aquara video contest ‘Get wet for the SDGs’ already has a winner. The CEIP San Jorge de Zaragoza has been the favorite of the ‘youtubers’ who have awarded it the award in the ‘video most voted in Aragon’ category, after a three-week voting period on the YouTube channel set up for the contest. This award is endowed with 350 euros should be allocated to projects related to environmental awareness and awareness.
'And you, are you getting wet by the SDGs?' Is the title of the proposal of this educational center from Zaragoza that has involved all its students to explain in 60 seconds how it commits itself in their day to school day with the fulfillment of the Agenda 2030 and caring for water.
‘Get wet for the SDGs’ invited participants to record a one-minute video explaining how they contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, paying special attention to SDG number 6, ‘Clean water and sanitation’. All the videos that have been submitted to the contest can be seen on the YouTube channel enabled for the contest: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv4Lv-jh3avItDpLhssC6iw/videos
During the next few days, Aquara, which thanks the participation of all the people and schools that have submitted to the contest, will contact the educational center to carry out the award ceremony.