DFA Foundation and Aquara carry out a telematic visit in Alcañiz to improve the employability of people with disabilities
The company that manages the municipal water service in Alcañiz maintains an agreement with the DFA Foundation in order to facilitate labor inclusion for people served by the comprehensive program to improve the employability and insertion of the Foundation.

Improving the employability of people with disabilities is the main objective of the agreement that the DFA Foundation has with Aquara, a company specialized in the preservation of natural resources that manages the municipal water service in Alcañiz.
To make this agreement a reality, today, March 22, coinciding with the celebration of World Water Day, the company and foundation have carried out a virtual informative visit to the facilities that Aquara manages in Alcañiz. “It is about that the members of the integral program for the improvement of employability and the insertion of DFA who are interested in working in the water sector, can know first-hand how we work in the supply and distribution service of drinking water in the city ”, points out Susana Martínez, head of the Aquara service in the capital of Bajo Aragón.
For her part, Ana Zabala, head of the DFA Employ Placement Agency, considers that “these activities are very useful for candidates because they learn first-hand what are the necessary characteristics for these positions, it helps them demystify ideas and to know in depth the functions to be carried out ».
In this way, the participants have been able to learn telematically the daily tasks carried out by three different profiles of the Aquara workforce in Alcañiz. In the first place, Susana Martínez explained what Aquara is, what are the characteristics and needs of the service to carry out efficient management and, above all, what qualities and skills potential applicants should have to work in the company.
Order, active listening and a positive attitude are some of those qualities that applicants must have to work in a customer service position. This is how Raquel Molías, one of the friendly and visible faces of the Aquara service in Alcañiz, has told it, since she is the person responsible for serving customers for 19 years.
Jorge Rodrigo Castellanos, the person in charge of the service, has told the participants what the daily life of a network operator of the municipal water service of Alcañiz that Aquara manages consists of. Among other tasks, it stands out the surveillance, control and maintenance of the water collection, storage, pumping and purification facilities or the conservation of the distribution and sanitation networks. In this case, practical problem-solving ability or manual dexterity are skills that every future network operator should have.
However, the main thing is “to have the desire to learn and work,” says Susana Martínez who adds that “the person who has that desire is the perfect candidate to work at Aquara.
After a brief discussion and resolution of the doubts raised by the attendees, Laura de Vega, Aquara's Director of Sustainable Development, was in charge of closing the day. "Inclusion is a key element of our Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development, as well as our commitment to the SDGs, especially those related to caring for water and people," says Laura de Vega, who adds that "we materialize this commitment thanks to agreements like the one we have with Fundación DFA '.
The Comprehensive Program for the Improvement of Employability (PIMEI) of the DFA Foundation has been developed since 2013 by the employment agency of this entity. During this period of time, a total of 174 people have obtained a job thanks to this program.