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The City Council of Calatayud and Aquara present the work plan of the city's Social Pact

One of the programs that will be addressed is the 'OLA project', focused on the occupation, leadership and basic assistance of beneficiaries of the water service social fund.


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The Social Pact for solidarity, employment and green reconstruction promoted by the City Council of Calatayud and Aquara, a company that manages the municipal water service, advances in the capital of Bilbao.

Today, Thursday, the second dialogue table with the participating entities took place in the assembly hall of the Calatayud City Council, which was chaired by the mayor of Calatayud, José Manuel Aranda, and the management team of Aquara.

Within the framework of this second meeting, the work plan for 2022 has been approved, with a series of proposals in which Cáritas, the Red Cross, the IES Leonardo de Chabacier, the IES Emilio Jimeno, the Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce and the INAEM, will be an active part, as agreed.

In this sense, the mayor of Calatayud, José Manuel Aranda, highlighted that "The Social Pact of Calatayud has become a very exciting project made up of the social fabric, the company and the public administration, with which we want to improve life of the bilbilitanos with solutions of labor insertion and support to the talent”.

One of the most outstanding programs to be addressed is the 'OLA project', focused on the occupation, leadership and basic assistance of beneficiaries of the water service social fund. “OLA is a social transformation program that aims to empower people subsidized by the Social Fund created by AQUARA together with the Calatayud City Council so that they can leave it, improving their employability, promoting their employment and contributing to improve their quality. of life”, explains María Pilar Lasheras, head of the Aquara Service in Calatayud. Assistance of basic needs, training, accompaniment and labor orientation are the bases of this project.

The second program that will be included in the work plan is also aimed at promoting local employment. In fact, its objective is to bring high school students and job seekers closer to the business sector, in this case Aquara. In this way, the training offer can be adapted to the needs of the company and, simultaneously, students will be able to learn how it works, carry out internships and start collaborative actions. The ultimate goal is to improve the employability of young people in the city.

The range of initiatives is completed with an environmental awareness project and with the 'Contigo' program, which aims to guarantee the attention of the municipal water service to people in vulnerable situations, prioritizing a series of channels and other actions that help them overcome barriers linked to understanding, the digital divide, disability or the risk of exclusion. "It's about putting exceptional solutions to exceptional situations," says María Pilar Lasheras.

The Social Pact for Calatayud is a space promoted by Aquara to contribute to the development of sectors that generate confidence and employment in the green economy. The Social Pact is based on three axes: solidarity, so as not to leave anyone behind; quality employment, investing in training and talent; and green reconstruction, aligned with EU actions such as European Funds or the European Green Deal.